Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Insanity Days 8 - 12 and updated Fit Test!

So days 8 through 12 are repeats of the previous exercises as listed:
Day 8 Pure Cardio
Day 9 Plyometric Cardio Circuit
Day 10 Cardio Recovery
Day 11 Cardio Power and Resistance
Day 12 - Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs - something new! Cardio Abs hurts like a mother. Seriously. My body just does not want to do the "V" formation and the leg pulses. Ugh. I better have some kicking abs after all this is done.

Day 13 - Fit Test! I was actually really surprised at the difference in my fit test scores. I didn't think 2 weeks would make that much of a difference!
Fit Test 1:
Switch Kicks - 50
Power Jacks - 36
Power Knees - 50L/30R
Power Jumps - 30
Globe Jumps - 9
Suicide Jumps - 14
Push Up Jacks - 17
Low Plank Oblique - 15

Fit Test 2:
Switch Kicks - 110
Power Jacks - 44
Power Knees - 100L/82R
Power Jumps - 35
Globe Jumps - 12
Suicide Jumps - 18
Push Up Jacks - 26
Low Plank Oblique - 30

Wow! I can tell that the C25K has helped my breathing and endurance. I'm officially running 3 miles daily and it feels great! It definitely assists me with all this Sean T INSANENESS!!

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